Florida Recovery Services


No one in the repossession business knows Florida better than Falcon International.

Born and bred in the Sunshine State, Falcon International been handling repossessions from the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico, from the Suwanee River to the Florida Keys, for over 60 years.

Florida is a big state….almost 800 miles from Pensacola to the Florida Keys!  And no one has been repossessing cars from top to bottom longer that Falcon International.


Florida is a highly regulated state for repossession compliance. The state dictates requirement regarding personal property handling, use of badges and other indicia, recovery reporting to law enforcement, and many others.  Falcon remains in full compliance with all local, state and Federal regulations.

Whether directly through our brick-and-mortar offices strategically located around the state, or through our proprietary network of affiliates in difficult or hard-to-reach locations, Falcon can easily and professionally handle your repossession accounts anywhere in the state.


Questions? Comments?  Contact us here.